Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine.
Santiago, May 23, 1891. (Received July 7.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the ministry whose organization I reported in my No. 100, of the 17th of October last, has resigned, and that His Excellency the President appointed on the 21st instant a new ministry, the personnel of which is as follows: Minister of the interior, Don Julio Bañados Espinosa; of justice and public instruction, Don Francisco Javier Concha; of finance, Don Manuel Aristides Zañartu; of war and marine, Gen. José Velasquez; of industry and public works, Don Nicanor Ugalde; and of foreign relations and public worship, Don M. Maldunate.
This change has been brought about, so far as I can learn, by personal differences between some of the members of the cabinet, and has not, therefore, any political significance.
I have, etc.,