Mr. Wharton to Mr.
of State,
Washington, May 28,
No. 106.]
Sir: I have to inclose, for your information, copy
of a letter from Mr. D. H. B. Davis, of Lima, Peru, stating that it is
rumored that you have advised the Government of Chile to grant letters of
marque to privateers as a war measure.
I am, etc.,
William F. Wharton,
Acting Secretary.
[Inclosure in No. 106.]
Mr. Davis to Mr.
Dear Sir: It is reported here that our minister
to Chile, Mr. Patrick Egan, is advising the Chilean Government to grant
letters of marque to privateers as a war measure. This rumor comes from
high and respectable authority (English). It seems impossible for us
Americans to believe this can be true, especially when we know how
careful and circumspect Mr. Egan has acted all through his stay in
Chile, commanding the respect of enemies and friends alike.
It would be most satisfactory to be able on good authority to refute this
serious rumor.
I am, dear sir,
D. H. B. Davis,
Citizen of the United