No. 75.
Mr. de Weckherlin to Mr. Bayard.

Mr. Secretary of State:

I have the honor to offer you my sincere thanks for the letter you were pleased to write to me on the 22d of April last, and through which I learn with satisfaction that the President of the United States of America has, in conformity with, the provisions of section 11 of the shipping act of June 19, 1886, No. 85, suspended tonnage dues in regard to vessels arriving in the United States from a certain class of ports in the Netherlands.

With respect to the invitation, which in the same paper you had the kindness to address to my Government, in consequence of the contents of section 12 of the said “shipping act, I hasten to inform you that I have not failed to take the steps necessary to insure its reaching its destination.

Accept, etc.,

G. de Weckherlin.