No. 772.
Mr. Bragg to Mr. Bayard.

No. 5.]

Sir: Upon receipt of your telegram of the 5th instant I addressed Mr. Mariscal a note on the case of Henry Brudigam, copy whereof I now iuclose, and which I trust will meet with your approval.

I also inclose translation of a note from Mr. Mariscal, who has asked an explanation from the governor of Chihuahua.

I am, etc.,

Edwd. S. Bragg.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 5.]

Mr. Bragg to Mr. Mariscal.

Sir: I have the honor to advise you of a dispatch from my Government, received last evening, in effect that one Henry Brudigam, an American citizen, after three years’ detention at Chihuahua, on charge of the murder of one Domingo Steiner, was tried, acquitted, and released October 29 last, but was re-arrested for the same crime on November 2, 1887, and tried and convicted on the 16th ultimo. Whether sentenced or not my Government is not advised. The fact, as alleged, of a re-arrest, trial, and conviction, after trial and acquittal for the same crime, if true, presents a grave question, requiring the intervention [Page 1143] of my Government for the protection of an American citizen, as it would seem to be an act in violation of one of the fundamental guaranties of the Constitution of the United States of Mexico, which has recognized as a governing principle among civilized nations, that the plea of autrefois acquit, if found true, is always a bar to a conviction. My Government is fully impressed with the belief that the merely calling attention to your excellency of the case will lead you to recommend such action by your Government as will cause a suspension of sentence and a prompt examination into the facts, to the end that justice and the principles of law and good government may prevail.

I am instructed to represent to your excellency that the earlier examination which can be made into the facts, and information given to my Government of the result of such examination, will prevent complications and any bitterness of feeling that might arise by any unnecessary delay.

Trusting that my application to you will meet with a prompt and favorable response, and that my Government may be advised of the progress and result of your investigations, with renewed assurances to your excellency of my highest esteem,

I remain, etc.,

Edwd. S. Bragg.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 5.—Translation.]

Mr. Mariscal to Mr. Bragg.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to answer your excellency’s note, dated yesterday, relative to the case of the American citizen Henry Brudigam, informing you that I have to-day forwarded your note to the governor of the State of Chihuahua, and have requested him to advise me as speedily as possible touching the acts complained of.

Reserving the satisfaction of communicating to your excellency as soon as received the reply of the governor, I reiterate, etc.,

Igno. Mariscal.