Legation of the United States,
Stockholm, July 17, 1888. (Received July
No. 133.]
I have thought it best to transmit a copy of the note rather than
to trust to my own translation of the same.
It will be observed that by a recent law of the Norwegian
Government a change in tonnage dues has been made on vessels
trading with ports in the Arctic zone, so as to bring the
charges into unison with the existing treaty.
[Inclosure in No.
Count Ehrensvärd to Mr. Magee.
Stockholm, July 12,
Mr. Minister: With a view to
completing the information which I sent to you with my note
of October 25, 1887, concerning the navigation dues of
Sweden and in Norway, I have the honor herewith to transmit
to you a law which was promulgated in Norway on the 30th of
June last, whereby a change has been made as regards the
reduced duty (40 öre per ton) that was enjoyed by the
navigation of the Arctic zones.
This law, as formerly worded, granted the benefit of the
reduction to all vessels arriving from or sailing for ports
in the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea.
Although the only vessels that were really benefited by this
privilege were those engaged in the unimportant local
coasting trade of those northern regions, where from time
immemorial no distinction of nationality has been made, it
nevertheless seemed to the royal government that the text of
the law might appear to the United States Government not to
be in conformity with Article VIII of the treaty of 1827
between the United Kingdoms and the United States. It might,
indeed, have been remarked that a vessel arriving from a
Russian port in the White Sea in a Norwegian port situated
south of the Arctic region (which, by the way, has never yet
happened, and
[Page 1887]
probably will not do so for a long time to come, save as
rare exception) would pay but 40 öre per ton whereas a
vessel arriving from the United States in the same port
would pay 80 öre. It is true that the hypothesis was not
probable, but it was still possible. It was consequently
deemed necessary by the Government of the King to change the
form of the text of the law, in order to remove even the
appearance of any lack of conformity with the stipulations
of the treaty of 1827. A royal proposition to this effect
was approved immediately by the Storthing of Norway, and, as
you will perceive, the text of the new law provides that a
reduction of the tonnage and light duty of 40 öre per ton is
henceforth to be granted to all vessels arriving at or
sailing from Hammerfest, Vardöe, and Vadsö. The privilege
that might have been enjoyed by a vessel arriving from a
Russian Arctic port in a Norwegian port lying south of the
Arctic Ocean has thus been eliminated, and the Norwegian law
is now in form, what it has always been in fact, in strict
conformity with the treaty.
I hope that your Government will regard the care which we
have taken to make our law harmonize with the treaty,
without even waiting for a complaint on its part, as an
evidence of our sincere desire to keep our international
engagements in all joints with the most scrupulous
Be pleased, etc.,