No. 18.
Mr. White to Mr. Bayard.

No. 767.]

Sir: With reference to your instructions numbered 864, of May 1, and to previous correspondence, I have the honor to inclose herewith, for your information, a copy of Sir James Fergusson’s reply to a question asked by Mr. Gourley in the House of Commons on the 4th instant, from which you will observe that the Canadian Government have cautioned persons engaged in sealing expeditions in Behring Sea against using force in the event of their being interfered with by our officers.

I have etc.,

Henry White.
[Inclosure in No. 767.]

seal fishery in behring sea.

[Extract from The Times, Tuesday, June 5, 1888.]

In answer to Mr. Gourley, Sir J. Fergusson said: I am informed that the government of the Dominion have cautioned persons engaged in sealing expeditions in the [Page 1842] Behring Sea from using force in the event of their being interfered with by the United States officers. The questions involved are the subject of consideration by the Governments of Her Majesty and the United States and it would not be convenient or usual to present the correspondence before it is concluded.

In answer to a further question from Mr. Gourley, Sir J. Fergusson said that the correspondence between Her Majesty’s Government and the Government of the United States was being conducted diplomatically and in a friendly manner, and he deprecated any discussion upon the matter at present.