No. 10.
Mr. Phelps to Mr. Bayard.
London, February 25, 1888. (Received March 6.)
Sir: Referring to your instructions, numbered 782, of February 7, 1888, in reference to the Alaska seal fisheries, and to my reply thereto, numbered 690, of February 18, I have the honor to inform you that I [Page 1837] have since had interviews on the snbject with Lord Salisbury and with M. de Staal, the Russian ambassador.
Lord Salisbury assents to your proposition to establish, by mutual arrangement between the Governments interested, a close time for fur seals, between April 15 and November 1, and between 160° of longitude west and 170° of longitude east, in the Behring Sea.
He will also join the United States Government in any preventive measures it may be thought best to adopt, by orders issued to the naval vessels in that region of the respective Governments.
I have this morning telegraphed you for additional printed copies of instructions 782 for the use of Her Majesty’s Government.
The Russian ambassador concurs, so far as his personal opinion is concerned, in the propriety of the proposed measures for the protection of the seals, and has promised to communicate at once with his Government in regard to it. I have furnished him with copies of instructions 782 for the use of his Government.
I have, etc.,