No. 26.
Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville
Washington, October 13, 1887.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your note of yesterday, in relation to the cases of seizure of the British schooners Onward, Carolena, and Thornton, in Behring Sea, by United States revenue vessels, in August, 1886, and also your instructions to include by similar representations the cases of the British Columbian vessels Grace, Dolphin, and W. P. Sayward, seized by the United States revenue authorities in Behring Sea, with notification that Her Britannic Majesty’s Government reserves all right to compensation on behalf of the owners and crews of the above-mentioned vessels. The affidavit of the mate of the W. P. Sayward has been read, and the facts therein stated will be at once investigated.
I have, etc.,