No. 997.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. de
Washington, May 1, 1888.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note, which reached my hand this morning, in relation to a projected filibustering expedition against the peace of the island of Cuba, alleged to be on foot at Key West, Florida.
I have hastened to communicate copy of your note and its inclosure to my colleague, the Secretary of the Treasury, and I have also sent a copy to the Attorney-General for such action as the officers of the Department of Justice may competently take toward the enforcement of the statutes of the United States in the premises.
As on previous occasions, I beg to suggest to you the advisability of causing the usual machinery of the law to be set in regular motion by due complaint, under oath, made by some one having knowledge or belief of the acts alleged to be in violation of law, and to this end I doubt not the agents of your Government at Key West will be cheerfully aided by the officers of the Departments of Justice and of the Treasury.
Accept, etc.,