No. 993.
Mr. de
Muruaga to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, January 10, 1888. (Received January 11.)
The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Spain, has the honor to inform the Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, Secretary of State, in compliance with instructions which he has just received, that the Government of Her Majesty contemplates carrying into practice various measures tending to prevent adulterations of wines and the counterfeiting of the marks thereof, which is so manifestly prejudicial to the wine-producing interests. In addition to the suggested measures, it is likewise proposed to submit for the royal approval the holding of an international congress at Madrid, the objects of which shall be, first, to consider and propose the most effective means of protecting the authenticity and ownership of marks (of wines); second, to propose at the same time the regulations which may appear most applicable to prevent and counteract the adulteration and falsification of wines.
The Government of Her Majesty considers the matter in question as of the greatest importance to all and each of the wine-growing countries, and would desire to know if the Government of the United States would be disposed to be represented in the congress aforesaid.
The undersigned, etc.,