No. 992.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. Strobel.
of State,
Washington, September 26,
No. 325.]
Sir: Referring to previous correspondence I inclose
copy of a dispatch from our consul-general at Havana reporting that an order
has been issued directing the assistant treasurer at Matanzas to return to
the master the excess of tonnage dues collected last October from the
American steamer Jeanie.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 325.]
Mr. Williams to Mr.
States Consulate-General,
Havana, September 14,
No. 841.]
Sir: With reference to my previous dispatches
relating to the excess of tonnage dues collected last October from the
American steamer Jeanie, against the stipulations
of the present modus vivendi between the United
States and Spain at the port of Cardenas, I have now the honor to
inclose you the translation and a copy of a communication received last
evening from the intendant-general of finance, by which I am informed
that the assistant treasurer at Matanzas has been instructed to refund
the sum of $572, without delay, in payment of the said excess.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Ossorio to Mr.
of the Central Inspection and Administration of the
Custom-Houses of the Island of Cuba,
Havana, September 13, 1888.
Sir: I beg to inform you in reply to your
communication of the 8th instant that under this date I have instructed
the assistant treasurer of Matanzas as follows:
“An investigation having been made consequent upon the protest of the
master of the American steamer Jeanie against the
amount of tonnage dues collected by the custom-house of Cardenas upon
said steamer in excess of the stipulations of the modus vivendi between Spain and the United States, his
excellency the intendant-general has been pleased to order that the sum
of $572 gold be refunded without delay by your office, with debit to the
collections of revenues, which resolution is herewith communicated by
order of his excellency, with inclusion of the documents that are to
accompany the warrant of payment. Have the goodness to acknowledge
receipt of the present communication, as also to advise this central
office of the date when this payment shall have been made.”
I am, etc.,