No. 982.
Mr. Curry to Mr. Bayard.

No. 304.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose a copy and translation of a royal decree published in the Gaceta of February 29 last, which embodies the measures to be taken by the Spanish Government for the celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America.

I have, etc.,

J. L. M. Curry.
[Inclosure in No. 804.—Translation.]

Royal decree.

  • Art. 1. For the purpose of commemorating the fourth centennial of the discovery of America and of honoring the memory of Christopher Columbus an exposition shall be established for the year 1892, to which the Government shall invite the Kingdom of Portugal and the Governments of the nations of Latin America.
  • Art. 2. The object of the exposition will be to present in the most complete manner possible the condition of the inhabitants of America at the time of the discovery by collecting for the purpose all the objects which can give an idea of the state of their civilization and of the civilization of the races inhabiting the American continent at the end of the fifteenth century and by a separate exhibition at the same time of all the products of the art, science, and industry which characterize the present culture of the nations of Latin America.
  • Art. 3. A special committee which shall be sent to South America in a Government war vessel shall be charged with the mission of preparing the exposition in agreement with and under the direction of the diplomatic representatives of Spain in the different American States.
  • Art. 4. To meet the expenses necessary for the celebration of the centennial the Government will enter in each of the five coming budgets and will submit to the approval of the Cortes an appropriation of 500,000 francs, which shall be exclusively destined to the expenses required by the commemoration. This appropriation will be declared permanent until June 31, 1893, and the sums unexpended shall be kept in the treasury until said date.
  • Art. 5. The ministers of state, colonies, war, and marine shall be charged with the execution of this decree in every thing corresponding to their respective departments.

Maria Christina.

Praxedes Mateo Sagasta,
The President of the Council of Ministers.