No. 946.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. Lothrop.
Washington, February 4, 1888.
Sir: I inclose a copy of a letter* of the 12th ultimo from Mr. J. K. Hood, an attorney of Cleveland, Ohio, who complains that a client of his, Mr. John Linden, of the same city, shipped a package of goods to Mr. J. A. Frey, at Daenanmende, Russia, via Riga, which was refused entry by the customs authorities at the latter place, although previous consignments of the same goods had been admitted. The goods are described as a surgical instrument for punching the skin, and an oil for external application. You will please make due inquiry in the proper quarter, and report such information on the subject as may be furnished you. The Department has no other intelligence concerning the matter than the letter inclosed.
I am, etc.,
- Not printed herewith.↩