No. 939.
Baron d’Almeirim to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of Portugal in the United States,
Washington, June 30, 1888. (Received July 2.)
Washington, June 30, 1888. (Received July 2.)
Mr. Secretary of State: Under the instruction of my Government, I have to inform you that His Majesty the King of Portugal has declared a blockade, beginning on the 12th instant, of the port of Quissembo, on the west coast of Africa, north of the Ambriz.
While having the honor to make this communication to you, I beg you, Mr. Secretary of State, to accept, etc.,
Baron d’Almeirim,
Consul in Charge of the Business of the Legation of Portugal.
Consul in Charge of the Business of the Legation of Portugal.