No. 440.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Heap.

No. 207.]

Sir: I have received your No. 388, of the 14th ultimo, in regard to the case of Dr. Pflaum, and have to observe that no serious objection is here perceived to awaiting the result of the examination by the minister of justice, who, it may be assumed, is charged with the essential point of the complaint, namely, the imprisonment of Dr. Pflaum, and may thus be deemed a recession from his extreme ground that the treatment of Dr. Pflaum was justified at every step.

[Page 568]

If the Government of the Porte should find that the Turkish execution of the sentence was justifiable, you will protest against the same as an undeniable violation of article 4 of the treaty of 1830.

I am, &c.,