Alphabetical Index.


  • Argentine Republic: Congress adjourns; failure of measure to consolidate debt in 5 per cent, bonds; great agitation over bill introduced and passed in the House and defeated in the Senate by one vote, to prohibit the teaching of religious dogmas in the common schools 1
    • opening of rail road in Santa Fé 1
    • Congress meets: President’s message; encourages immigration; extension of railroads; peaceful foreign relations; improvement of financial and commercial condition; growth of common schools 2, 3
    • conflict between church and state; authority of the Government asserted by the President 3, 4, 5, 6
    • proceedings in Congress; either chamber may insist on passage of a bill after it has been disapproved by the other, in which case it becomes a law, unless two-thirds of the disapproving chamber again reject it 4
    • liberal and clerical parties in Congress 4, 5
  • Adriana. (See Mexico, and Caleb, George.)
  • Agriculture: in Belgium 24
  • Aguero, Carlos: Cuban refugees; departure from Key West, &c. 493, 502, 504, 505, 521
  • Alert. (See Greely Relief Expedition.)
  • American Bible Society: agents of, obstructed in Greece 260
  • American citizens: attacks on, at Hamadan, Persia 399
  • Anarchists: expulsion from Switzerland 529
  • Armenia: attack on Messrs. Knapp and Reynolds. (See Turkey.)
  • Austria-Hungary: Anton Wurglitz and sons; claimed for military service 69
    • Vitus Taxacher; released from military service 9, 10
    • Mormon proselytizing; measures against 10, 13
    • public debt 13
    • general budget for 1885 15, 18
    • action of local authorities at Pittsburgh in ordering Austrian consul to take down his flag; explained 18, 20


  • Bartholdi: Statue of Liberty 157164
  • Belgium: trichinosis, &c., in German pork; extract from “Independence Beige” 21
    • marriages of Americans and other foreigners in Belgium 22, 23
    • American and other foreign grain; proposition to tax, strongly opposed 2426
  • Bert, M. Paul: opinion concerning admission of American pork into France, and concerning trichinosis 138
  • Bolivia, failure of truce between Chili and 419, 422
  • Brazil, slavery in: liberation of slaves in the province of Ceará, and history of the slave traffic 2730
    • monastic orders; law ordering that their real property be sold and the proceeds invested in national stock 31
    • efforts of Government to encourage foreign immigration; status of immigrants 3234
  • Breidenstein, Friedrich: claimed for military service in Germany; American minister refuses to interfere; action approved 192, 195
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  • Cables: refusal to permit Commercial Cable Company to land in France, except on certain conditions 141, 150, 164
    • report of privy council of Canada on projected cable connecting Canadian, Government telegraph system near Victoria, Vancouver Island, and Point Angelos, Washington Territory; permission asked to land in Washington Territory; refused, unless certain conditions were complied with 230, 236, 238, 249, 254
    • ocean cable project between Portugal and the Azores, and thence to America, Great Britain, &c 448
  • Caceres: account of his forces, &c., in Peru 424
  • Caleb, George, imprisoned in Mexico 344, 346, 363, 371
  • Canals: difficulties in construction of Panama Canal 119
    • concessions of territory to canal company in Colombia 124
    • Panama Canal Company purchases controlling interest in Panama Railway Company 121
  • Canton: obstruction of port of 66, 96
  • Canton riots 46, 47, 52, 79, 103
  • Cattle tax at Key West 463, 474, 500
  • Central America: the Republic of Salvador promulgates a new constitution; religious liberty guaranteed; presidential term four years, without restriction as to reelection 34, 35
    • constitutions of Salvador and Guatemala compared; apparent discrimination against foreigners; explanation of minister of foreign relations of Salvador 35
    • Limon made a free port by the Costa Rican Congress; subsequent repeal of the law; correspondence on the subject 38
  • Chew Heong, case of: habeas corpus, to test acts of Congress of May, 1882, and 1884, in connection with treaty of 1880 with China 117
  • China: riotous demonstrations against foreigners at Canton 46, 47
    • petroleum trade; disposition of the Chinese Government to encourage; governor of Canton grants to a local company the monopoly to sell, and imposes a tax on the sale; efforts to secure removal of this tax 48, 84
    • Canton riots: losses of foreigners of destruction of their property; concerted action of foreign ministers to induce the Chinese Government to submit the matter to arbitration; incendiary proclamation of the imperial commissioner Pang; attack on a Christian chapel 52
    • rupture with France; obstruction of Chinese ports 64
    • suffering in the northern provinces, owing to floods and failure of crops 64
    • correspondence relating to the obstruction of the port of Canton 66, 96
    • adjustment of claims for destruction of missions in Canton and elsewhere 79
    • complications with France 88, 95, 104, 105
    • American missionaries at Chinaufoo; settlement of grievances 91
    • refusal of Chinese officials in the interior to recognize transit passes; attempts by American citizens to make improper use of such passes 96, 100, 101
    • Chinese merchants permitted to land at San Francisco 99, 100, 112, 113
    • convention between China and France 101, 102
    • payment by the Cantonese authorities of a claim for losses during the riot of September, 1883 103
    • refusal of customs authorities at San Francisco to permit Chinese laborers bound for British Columbia to land temporarily103, 109
    • certificates to Chinese merchants, travelers, students, &c., in the United States 105, 113
    • case to test effects of subsequent acts of Congress on treaty of 1880 117
  • Chinaufoo: grievances between missionaries and Chinese authorities 91
  • Chinese immigration: restriction on, in Hawaiian Islands 281
  • Chinese laborers: not permitted to land at San Francisco 103, 109
    • transit of, across territory of United States, to British Columbia 103, 113
  • Chinese merchants: certificates to 106, 112, 114
  • Church and state: conflict between, in Argentine Republic 3, 5
    • in Brazil 31
    • in the Republic of Salvador 34
  • Citizenship: in Austria-Hungary 7
    • in Venezuela 596
    • case of Alfred P. Jacob, in France 135, 139, 145, 148, 180
    • case of John B. Faichat, in France 145, 174
    • status in France of naturalized American citizens of French origin 176
    • German cases 206, 210
  • Citizenship:
  • Claims Commission: French and American: 183, 186
  • Colombia: Panama Canal; difficulties in construction 119
    • controversy between Colombian Government and the Panama Canal Company, resulting from purchase by the latter of controlling interest in the Panama Railway Company 121
    • concessions of territory to the canal company 124
  • Commerce: of Argentine Republic 3
  • Commercial Cable Company. (See Cables.)
  • Commercial intercourse with Sweden and Norway 526
  • Communism: in Europe, and particularly in Germany 188
  • Constitution of Portugal: proposed revision of 447
    • of Switzerland; provision defining and limiting the powers of the Federal Assembly 531
  • Consul: request of Spanish, at Baltimore, to be furnished with periodical certificates of cargoes of sugar, &c., imported from Cuba and Porto Rico; not complied with 485, 492, 503
  • Consular tariff, Spanish: promised reforms in 488, 491
  • Corea: presentation at court 124
    • special mission to the United States 125, 126
    • sluggishness of commerce 126
    • invitation to the officers of the United States ship Trenton to visit the capital as the guests of the Government 127
    • proposed establishment of a mission school at Seôul 127, 128
  • Costa Rica: action of Congress with respect to making Port Limon a free port 38
  • Cuba: embargoed estates claims 487
    • import duties collected in custom-houses 480
    • condition of slavery 466, 470
    • commercial relations 471, 476, 483, 486, 496, 513
    • remission of portion of delinquent taxes, and acceptance of depreciated war currency in payment of balance; methods of Spanish Bank of Havana 498, 499
    • alleged sending of armed expedition from the United States 504, 507, 510, 517, 519, 521
    • alleged sending of explosives from the United States to 509, 512, 514, 517
  • Cuba and Porto Rico: commercial relations of United States with; revocation of fifth article of royal decree of March 12, 1867, relating to duties 468, 471
    • agreement for improvement of commercial relations with United States 472, 476, 483
  • Cuban refugees in United States 493, 502, 504, 505, 521
    • rumor of intended violence by, against Spanish consul at Key West 505, 513, 514, 515, 518
  • Customs regulations, Spanish: “bases” for proposed reforms 491


  • Dalton, U. S. consul at Ciudad Bolivar. (See Venezuela.)
  • Daylight. (See Schooner Daylight.)
  • Debts, public: of Austria-Hungary 13
    • of Argentine Republic 1
  • Duties: imposed by Spain on merchandise proceeding from the United States under Spanish flag 468470
    • acceptance of United States coin in payment of duties in Hawaiian Islands 266, 275, 288, 292


  • Education: progress of, in Argentine Republic 1, 2, 3
    • in Portugal 438
    • proposed establishment of mission school at Seôul 128
  • Egypt. (See Mixed tribunals.)
  • Emancipation: in Brazil 27, 32
  • Embargoed estates claims: in Cuba 487
  • Estates in England, unclaimed: fraudulent schemes in relation to 224229
  • Expatriation: status of naturalized American citizens of French origin in France 176
    • of German origin, in Germany 190, 192, 194, 195, 199, 200, 206, 210
    • under constitution of Guatemala 35
    • case of Vitus Taxacher, in Austria-Hungary 9
    • attitude of French Government; general discussion of subject 176
    • case of John R. McCormack, in Ireland 216
    • in Russia 451
    • expatriated American can resume his American status only by becoming naturalized 451
    • requirements of Swiss law 532
    • law as to citizenship 596
    • in Venezuela. (See Citizenship; Naturalization.)
  • Explosives: alleged sending of, from the United States to Cuba 509511, 512, 514, 515.


  • Famines: in the north of China 64
  • Ferry privileges between the United States and Canada 243, 250, 255, 256
  • Finance: in Argentine Republic 1
    • general budget in Austria-Hungary for 1885 15
    • new loan in Greece 257
    • Hawaiian Islands; acceptance of United States coin in payment of customs duties 266, 275, 288, 292
    • native coinage 278, 286
    • report of minister of finance of Hawaiian Islands 284
    • résumé of condition of Portugese finances and of the “ordinary budget” for 1884–’85 443
    • success of new 5 per cent, gold loan in Russia 449
  • Fishery treaty, between the United States and Great Britain; proposed revision of 214, 251
  • Foichat, John B.: arrested in France; naturalization case 145, 174
  • Foreigners: discrimination against, in Central America 35
    • riotous demonstrations against, at Canton, China 46, 47, 42
    • transit passes in China 96
    • order of Russian Government to railway companies to give notice to employés of foreign nationality to become Russian subjects or to leave their service 450
    • passports in Cuba 482, 486, 490
    • expulsion of anarchists from Switzerland 529
  • France: prohibition of the free importation of American pork; inspection required, &c 128, 136, 141, 185
    • case of Alfred P. Jacob; claims exemption from military service 135, 136, 145, 150
    • permission to Commercial Cable Company to land on the coast of France 141, 150, 164
    • case of John B. Foichat 145, 174
    • the Statue of Liberty 157
    • naturalized American citizens of French origin; their status in France 176
  • France and China: complications 88, 94
    • treaty 101
    • duties of neutrals 103
  • French and American Claims Commission: case of G. A. Le More v. The United States 183, 185, 186


  • Garrido, Eugene V., injuries sustained by, at Port au Prince, September 22 and 23, 1883 317, 326, 331
  • Geist, Dr. G. W.: naturalized American of German origin; status in Germany 195
  • Germany: socialism 188190
    • cases relating to American citizenship 190, 192, 194, 195, 199, 200, 201, 206, 210
    • opening of the Reichstag; speech from the throne 191
    • consumption of pork 193, 196
    • Mormon missionaries; compelled to leave Bavaria 198, 202, 203
    • emigration
    • military cases
    • (Winnelhausen, Broom, Bendixen, de la Roi, Lang, Friedrichsen, Bradersen, Held, Gerson, Kubis, Nagel, Reupert.)
  • German pork: discovery of a new parasite in 21
  • Grain: competition of American and other foreign, in Belgium, with the native product 24
  • Great Britain: correspondence in reference to the termination of certain articles of the treaty, May 8, 1871 214
    • gift of the Alert to the United States Government 215, 216
    • McCormack, John R., question of expatriation 216
    • duty on kerosene oil in Ceylon 219
    • Mormon missionaries at Calcutta 223, 224
    • unclaimed estates in England; fraudulent schemes 224
    • landing of cables in the United States and Canada 229, 236, 238, 249, 254
    • slaves said to have been purchased from an American citizen in Zanzibar, captured and freed by the King of Johanna 233, 237
    • burial at Yokahama of a seaman who had been discharged from the United States Navy; expenses defrayed out of the British consular chest; question as to citizenship 233, 240
    • proposal to remove certain Sioux Indians from the northwest territories back to the United States 234, 236, 239
    • mixed tribunals in Egypt 235, 237
    • case of lynching in British Columbia said to have been committed by persons from the United States 241, 245, 252, 254
    • ferry privileges between the United States and Canada 243, 250, 255, 256
    • fishery treaty; proposed revision of 251
    • rescue of Greely; congratulations of the Queen 253
    • labor traffic in the Western Pacific islands 253, 254
  • Greece: importation of American pork; prohibition of, and subsequent removal of the restriction 257, 259, 260, 264
    • a new loan contracted by the Government 257
    • sale of Bibles by agent of American Bible Society; interference with 260
  • Greely Relief Expedition: gift of the Alert by British Government 215
    • congratulations of the Queen on rescue 253
  • Guatemala: provisions of new constitution affecting citizenship 35
  • Gustavus, Adolphus: celebration in Sweden of his victory and death at Lützen 522


  • Hausding, Ludwig: passport refused by American minister at Berlin 201
  • Hawaiian Islands: social condition; vital statistics 265
    • transportation of Chinese laborers: transfer of exclusive permission from the Pacific Mail to the Oceanic Company; exclusive privileges opposed by the United States 265, 276, 279
    • financial measures; report of minister of finance 266, 275, 276, 278, 284, 286
    • restriction of Chinese immigration 281
    • general commercial condition 285, 292
    • customs duties; law requiring payment to made in gold coin of the United States not enforced; treaty of 1875 286, 288, 289
    • Pacific Mail Company declines passenger and freight traffic between San Francisco and the Hawaiian Islands; supposed reasons therefor 287
  • Hayti: President Salomon requests the diplomatic corps at Port au Prince to treat a vessel called La Patrie as a pirate; request refused; action approved 293, 297
    • bombardment of Jacmel; rights of American citizens 295, 296, 297
    • troubles at Port au Prince; indemnity for losses suffered by foreigners in consequence of the events of the 22d and 23d of September, 1883 298301, 311, 320, 329, 331
    • Van Bokkelen, C. A.; arrest and imprisonment at Port au Prince 306, 320, 329, 330, 335, 336
    • message of President Salomon: disturbances at Port au Prince September 22 and 23, 1883; finances 309


  • Iglesias government in Peru: recognition of 420, 423
  • Immigration: encouragement of, in Argentine Republic 2
  • Indians: proposed removal of certain Sioux from Canada back to the United States 234, 236, 239
    • lynching of Indian Lem Tarn in British Columbia; alleged to have been done by persons from the United States 241, 245, 252, 254
  • Islands: dispute with Mexico concerning two, in the Rio Grande, near Roma, Tex 373377, 379399
  • Italy: refusal to permit a naturalized citizen of the United States, who had evaded the laws relating to military service, to return without molestation 336


  • Jacmel and Jérémie: bombardment of 295, 297
  • Jacob, Alfred P: claims exemption from military service in France 135, 145, 150
  • Jacoby, Sigismund: refused passport by legation in Berlin; fraudulent naturalization 196, 197
  • Jews: naturalized American, in Palestine 535, 539, 543, 549, 551, 560



  • Labor: condition of, in Brazil 32
    • measures for the improvement of the condition of laborers in Germany 188
    • labor traffic in Western Pacific islands 253, 254
  • Lacazette, Eugene: naturalized American citizen of French origin; notified to leave France 179, 182
  • Lanciotte, Rev. Father Valentine Theodoro; seeks permission to revisit Italy; refused by Italian Government 336
  • Lucas, Peter: citizenship of 467


  • McCormack, John R.: arrest of, in County Tipperary, Ireland 216
  • Marriage of foreigners: in Belgium 22, 23
  • Meats: prohibition of free importation of American pork in France; inspection required, &c 128, 136, 141, 185
    • views of M. Paul Bert as to free admission of salted meats in France 138
    • French Academy of Medicine favors withdrawal of decree prohibiting importation of American meats
    • consumption of American pork in Germany 193, 196
    • importation of American pork into Greece prohibited; removal of prohibition 257, 259, 260, 264
    • (See Pork.)
  • Meiggs, Henry: his contracts for construction of railways in Peru; action of Peruvian Government 407, 416, 419
  • Merchants, Chinese: refused permission to land at San Francisco 99
  • Mexico: case of schooner Daylight, sunk in the harbor of Tampico by the Mexican gunboat Independencia 340, 345, 358, 362, 370, 372
    • imprisonment of George Caleb, master of the Adriana, charged with violation of customs regulations 344, 346, 363, 371
    • Walker, H. C, imprisonment of, at Minatitlan 360, 366, 377
    • dispute concerning jurisdiction over two islands in the Rio Grande, near Roma, Tex 373, 379
  • Military cases: in Austria-Hungary 9
    • in Germany 206
  • Missionaries: settlement of grievances at Chinaufoo 91
    • proposed establishment of mission school and hospital at Seôul 127
    • privileges granted to missionaries in Siam 453, 454, 461, 462
    • attacks on property of missionaries in Canton 58, 80, 91
    • opposition to American missionaries in Armenia 569, 570, 572, 573, 574
  • Mixed tribunals in Egypt: circular concerning, addressed to the powers by Great Britain; United States waits for proposal from Khedive’s Government; receives such proposal and assents 235, 237
  • Monastic orders: sale of realty of, in Brazil 31
  • Mormons: measures against, in Austria 13
    • expulsion of missionaries from Bavaria 198, 202, 203, 206
    • from British India 223
  • Morteritos, island of. (See Mexico.)
  • Mossell, C. W., mobbed at Port au Prince during disturbances of the 22d and 23d of September, 1883; indemnity for losses, &c 315, 323, 331


  • Naturalization: refusal of Italy to permit a naturalized citizen of the United States, who had evaded military laws, to return without molestation 336
  • Neutrality: preserved by Argentine Republic in west coast struggle 2
  • Neutrals: duties of, during complications between France and China 103


  • Pacific Mail Steamship Company: complaint of, against Hawaiian Government, respecting transportation of Chinese laborers 265, 276, 279, 281
    • declines passenger traffic between San Francisco and Hawaiian Islands 287
  • Palestine. (See Turkey.)
  • Panama Canal: difficulties in construction of 119
    • controversy with Colombian Government respecting a loan 121
    • concessions of lands by Colombian Government 124
    • purchases controlling interests in Panama Railroad Company 113
  • Passes, transit: (see Transit passes.)
  • Passports: case of Sigismund Jacoby; refusal of passport to, by American minister in Germany 196, 197
    • regulations concerning, in Cuba 482, 486, 490
  • Patrimonies, legacies, &c., collection of, in Switzerland, by expatriated natives 530, 532
  • Peace, treaty of, between Chili and Peru 416
  • Persia: cases of American citizens at Hamadan 399, 402
    • attack on outriders and driver of the American minister 400
  • Peru: political events 403, 412, 413, 418, 427
    • interests of American citizens; acts of Iglesias government 407
    • treaty of peace with Chili 413, 416
    • contracts for construction of Oroya Railroad, &c.; forfeiture, &c. 416, 419, 422
    • difficulties between Chili and Bolivia 418, 419, 422
    • recognition of Iglesias government, presentation of credentials by Mr. Phelps, and renewal of diplomatic relations 420, 423, 424
    • the Caceres movement 428, 433
    • murder of Owen Young, an American citizen, by a soldier of the Iglesias government 432, 434
    • pillage of Trujillo by Government troops 433
    • attempt of Government to sieze the Trujillo Railroad 418
  • Petroleum: general regulations in China 48, 84
    • importation into Turkey 557, 562
  • Piracy: the Haytian Government seeks to have ship La Patrie, belonging to insurgents, treated as a pirate 293
    • refusal of United States to do so 297
  • Pork: trichinosis in German pork 21
    • interview of Mr. Morton with M. Ferry, respecting importation of American pork in France 136, 142
    • inspection of American pork in France 143
    • opposition to importation of American pork in France; prohibition of its free admission; extension of time for free admission 128, 132, 136, 137, 138, 185
    • ministerial circular in Germany touching danger of consuming raw pork. 193, 196
    • prohibition of American pork in Greece; prohibition removed 257, 259, 264
    • (See Meats.)
  • Port au Prince: disturbances at, September 22 and 23, 1883 309
  • Port Limon: action of Costa Rican Congress respecting 38
  • ort o Rico: commercial relations with 471, 476, 483, 486, 496, 503
  • Portugal: contract with American citizens for construction of railroad in Mozambique 437, 444
    • progress in education 438441
    • opening of Cortes: speech of His Majesty Dom Luiz 441443
    • finances 443447
    • proposed revision of the constitution 447
    • ocean cable project 448
  • Public debts. (See Debts, Public.)


  • Railways: construction of, in Argentine Republic 1, 2
    • purchase of controlling interest in Panama Railway Company by Panama Canal Company 121
    • decrees of Government of Peru affecting interests of Americans in railways in that country 404, 407, 416, 419, 422, 423
    • seizure of railways in Peru 412, 418
    • American citizens contract with Portuguese Government to construct railways in Mozambique 437, 442
    • railway companies in Russia forbidden by the Government to employ foreigners 450
  • Reed, Rev. Orville: marriage of, in Belgium; question of law as to foreign marriages 22
  • Reichard, Augustus: case of citizenship in Germany 210
  • Religious liberty: in Argentine Republic 3
    • in the Republic of Salvador 34
  • Russia: success of new 5 per cent, gold loan 449
    • order requiring railway companies to give notice to all employés of foreign nationality to become Russian subjects or leave their service 450
    • expatriation 451


  • Salvador, Republic of: new constitution promulgated 34
  • Schooner Daylight: sinking of, in harbor of Tampico 340, 345, 346, 358, 362, 370, 372
  • Seamen: burial at Yokohama of a destitute seaman, of British nativity, who had been discharged from the United States Navy; defrayment of expenses out of British consular chest 233, 240
  • Siam: coming of Siamese embassy to Washington 451, 452, 454, 455, 457, 458
    • condition of trade 452
    • privileges granted to missionaries 453, 454, 461, 462
    • sending of State scholars to United States to be educated 454
    • description of port of Vladivostock 456
    • present to United States Government from the Rajah of Tuluban 458, 463
    • legation quarters presented to United States by King of Siam 460, 451, 463
    • presentation of credentials of Prince Krom Mun Nares, as minister to the United States 463465
  • Slavery: history of, in Brazil; liberation of slaves in province of Ceará 27, 32
    • liberation by King of Johanna of slaves said to have been purchased from an American citizen at Zanzibar 233, 237
    • condition of, in Cuba 466, 470
  • Socialism: in Germany 188
  • Spain: condition of slavery in Cuba 466, 470
    • citizenship of Peter Lucas 467
    • cattle tax at Key West 468, 474, 500
    • duties on merchandise proceeding from United States under Spanish flag 468
    • commercial relations of Cuba and Porto Rico with the United States 471, 476, 483, 486, 496, 503
    • import duties collected in the Cuban custom-houses 480
    • passports in Cuba 482, 486, 490
    • Cuban embargoed estates claims 487
    • revision of Spanish consular tariff 488, 491, 492
    • Cuban refugees in the United States: case of Aguero 493, 502, 504, 505, 521
      • remission of portion of delinquent taxes in Cuba, and acceptance of depreciated war currency in payment of balance; methods of the Spanish Bank of Havana 489, 499
    • alleged sending of armed expeditions to Cuba 504, 507, 510, 517, 519, 521
    • rumor of intended violence by Cuban refugees against Spanish consul at Key West 505, 513, 514, 515, 518
    • sending of explosives to Cuba 509, 512, 514, 517
  • Steam communication between the United States and Sweden 523
  • Stern, Oscar: claimed for military duty in Germany 190, 194, 197
  • Sweden and Norway: celebration of the victory and death of Gustavus Adolphus at Lützen, November 6 522
    • steam communication between Sweden and United States 523
    • commercial intercourse 526
  • Switzerland: expulsion of anarchists 529
    • collection of legacies, &c., of natives of Switzerland who have been naturalized in United States 530, 532
    • new constitution 531


  • Tariff, Spanish consular: revision of 488, 491, 492
  • Telegraphs: construction of, in Argentine Republic 2
  • Transit passes: China 96, 100
  • Treaties: termination of certain articles of treaty with Great Britain of May 8, 1871 214, 251
    • treaty between China and France 101
    • of commerce with Turkey 566, 568
  • Treaty ports: closing of, in China 64, 66
  • Trichinosis: in German pork 21
    • erroneous report of Dr. Dettmers concerning American swine 131
    • opinion of M. Paul Bert 138
    • deaths from trichinosis, at Emersleben, Germany 193
  • Trujillo, pillage of 433
  • Turkey: case of Messrs. Knapp and Reynolds, attacked by brigands in Armenia 532, 537, 542, 544, 548, 550, 558, 563, 565
    • naturalized American Jews in Palestine 535, 539, 543, 549, 551, 560
    • criminal prosecutions; case of Dr. Pflaum 544, 564, 567
    • registration of citizens of the United States 539, 546, 556
    • difficulties encountered by American citizens and graduates of the American college at Beirut in practice of medicine 553, 561
    • petroleum 557, 562
    • restrictions imposed on sale of Holy Scriptures 565, 567, 568, 569, 571, 572, 574
    • treaty of commerce 566, 568
    • opposition to American missionaries in Armenia 569, 570, 572, 573, 574



  • Walker, H. C, imprisonment at Minatitlan 360, 366, 377
  • Weber, Johannes: question as to naturalization 202
  • Weniger, Charles: claimed by the German Government for military service 199, 200, 213
  • Wheelock, John E. (See Venezuela.)
  • Wurglitz, Anton and sons, claimed for military service in Austria-Hungary 6


  • Young, Owen: killed in Peru, by soldier of Iglesias government 432, 434, 437