No. 60.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Logan.
Washington, August 31, 1883.
Sir: I have to acknowledge your No. 108, of the 25th of June last, inclosing certain papers in regard to a complaint of certain American citizens at Lima against a decree issued by General Lynch, which the aggrieved persons had brought to your notice.
You state that upon presenting the matter informally to the minister of foreign affairs he remarked that General Lynch had plenary powers in Peru, and that his action was not directed from Chili, and asked if you were authorized by your Government to represent American interests in Peru. You therefore request instructions for your guidance in the premises.
In reply I have to state that, as the minister of the United States in Chili, it is your duty to make representations to the Chilian Government in behalf of American citizens who have suffered injury through the action of the subordinate officers of that Government wherever such injury may have been committed. You are authorized by virtue of your office to address the minister of foreign affairs at Santiago, but representations to General Lynch are an entirely different matter, and do not properly come within your sphere of action.
In regard to the case of which your dispatch treats, I would say that, as Mr. Phelps is now, or will soon be, at his post in Lima, that he will be able, upon an examination of the subject, to take such action in Peru as the exigencies of the matter may seem to demand.
I am, &c.,