No. 59.
Mr. Logan
to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Santiago, August 15, 1883. (Received September 26.)
Sir: I have to report the following: The French minister in Lima recently complained to his Government that many instances of outrage upon French citizens, as well as upon the subjects of Germany, England, and Italy, had been perpetrated by the Chilians in Peru, some of which instances were presented at length in the dispatch of the minister. In conclusion of his complaint the latter recommended the French Government to obtain the co-operation of the powers named in calling upon Chili to “reaffirm her good disposition” towards them.
In pursuance of this complaint and recommendation, the French minister of foreign affairs addressed circular notes to the corresponding officials of England, Germany, and Italy, asking the co-operation of their respective Governments in the movement. These latter in turn have addressed their ministers in Chili, requesting them to investigate the facts and report, and I was approached by one of my colleagues for the purpose of learning if I would be willing or not to recommend my Government to join the powers named in a joint action in the direction indicated.
I declined having anything to do with a matter in which I had no concern, and further informed my colleague that if it were desired to learn the sentiment of my Government in relation to the proposed action, the proper course to pursue would be to address the latter direct.
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I am unaware whether or not our Government has been addressed upon the matter, and consider it my duty to report those facts for your information.
I have, &c.,