No. 421.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. Romero.

Sir: Adverting to the Department’s note to you of the 16th ultimo, I have now the pleasure to inclose to you, for the information of the Mexican Government, copy of a letter of the 7th instant from the Secretary of the Interior, stating that an investigation has been directed in regard to the complaint that Apache Indians had left the San Carlos Agency and invaded the Mexican State of Sonora, and that should it be found that these Indians had improperly left the agency, every additional effort to restrain them would be taken.

Accept, &c.,


Mr. Teller to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 16th ultimo, inclosing copy of note from the Mexican minister resident in relation to alleged invasion of the State of Sonora by Apache Indians from this side of the line.

In reply, you are respectfully informed that an investigation has been directed by the Indian Office in the matter of complaint presented by the representative of the Mexican Government, and should the wrong complained of be found to have been committed by Indians within the control of the agents of this Government, additional efforts will be made to restrain them within the borders of their own country.

Very respectfully,
