No. 309.
Mr. Wallace to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, March 20, 1882.
(Received April 10.)
No. 72.]
Sir: In compliance with the directions in your
dispatch No. 40, relative to the action of the British authorities in the
matter of protecting American citizens in places in the Ottoman Empire where
there are no United States consuls, I addressed a note to Earl Dufferin,
British ambassador, a copy of which is inclosed.
Lord Dufferin acknowledges the note in such pleasant terms that I make haste
to forward a copy of his reply.
I have the honor, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 72.]
Mr. Wallace to Earl
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, March 18,
My Lord: I beg to inform you that the decision
of your home authorities to extend protection to American citizens in
the Ottoman Empire in localities where there are no consuls of the
United States has given the liveliest satisfaction to President Arthur
and his official advisers.
In communicating the circumstance the Secretary of State, Mr.
Frelinghuysen, instructs me specially to convey to your lordship his
thanks for the share which you had in bringing the agreeable result
about, and I do so with very sincere pleasure, and glady make it the
occasion to renew, &c.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 72.]
Lord Dufferin to
Mr. Wallace.
Constantinople, March 18,
My Dear General Wallace: I am very sensible of
your kindness in writing to me in the terms you have done. I can have no
greater pleasure than in furthering the interests of American citizens
in Turkey. As long as I live I shall never forget the kindness I
received at the hands of their fellow countrymen of the United
Ever yours, and sincerely,