No. 182.
Mr. Langston to Mr. Blaine.
Port-au-Prince, Hagti, December 28, 1881.
(Received January 12.)
Sir: I have the honor to advise the Department that since the outbreak at St. Marc, on the 8th instant, reported in my dispatch No. 426, of the 17th instant, the government has made many arrests in St. Marc, Jacmel, and Port-au-Prince. It may be that arrests have been made in other places. If so, this legation has not been advised thereof.
Many persons in the cities named, fearing arrest, some having been, in fact, connected with the movement at St. Marc, have taken refuge in the several consulates there situated.
On the 24th instant I received information from our acting vice-commercial agent at St. Marc to the effect that on the morning of the 23d, at four o’clock, he received into our agency, under his protection, three persons who had been connected with the St. Marc movement. I regret that Mr. Ricci, although he claims that these persons would have been immediately shot if taken, being among those who had been declared outlawed by the government, deemed it his duty to receive them. The government has already inquired of this legation as to their presence in the agency, and I have advised it that they are there. As yet, I am not informed as to its purpose with regard to action in that behalf.
I shall certainly insist that any step taken by it shall be in strict accordance with the laws and usage in such cases, and in due respect to the honor and dignity of our government.
Hereafter I shall take occasion to refer to this subject, and then furnish the Department copies of the correspondence that has passed between our acting vice-commercial agent, the Haytien Government, and this legation thereon.
I am, &c.,