No. 151.
Mr. West to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Washington, March 27, 1882.
(Received March 28.)
Sir: Referring to the conversation which I had
the honor of holding with you this day on the subject of protection to
American citizens in Turkey, which it is proposed should be afforded by
Her Majesty’s consular officers, I have the honor to inclose to you
herewith copy of a circular dispatch which has been addressed by Her
Majesty’s ambassador at Constantinople to Her Majesty’s consular
officers defining the grounds on which they are authorized to grant such
protection. I have, &c.,
Constantinople, January 30, 1882.
Sir: Her Majesty’s Government have had
under their consideration an appeal made by the United States
minister at this court that the instructions to Her Majesty’s
consular officers in the Ottoman Empire in regard to the restriction
of British consular
[Page 315]
protection over foreign subjects might be so far modified as to
enable citizens of the United States of America, in places where
there is no United States representative, to continue in the
enjoyment of such advantages as they obtained from the presence of a
British consular officer previous to the issue of my circular of the
20th of August last. I am now requested by Earl Granville to inform
you that although by the circular in question you were instructed to
discourage as much as possible the granting of British protection to
persons who were not British subjects you may still continue to
extend your good offices in favor of foreign missionaries or any
religious community who may solicit them in cases of unmerited
violence and oppression by the local authorities, provided that no
inconvenience has hitherto arisen from such action, and provided
that your protection is not carried further than if the case were
that of a British subject. You are accordingly authorized to
continue to give such friendly assistance and support to American
citizens as you were in the habit of giving previous to the issue of
the circular referred to.
I am, &c.,