No. 150.
Mr. Frelinghuysen to Mr. West.
Washington, February 25, 1882.
Referring to the previous correspondence of this Department with your legation in reference to Indian incursions across the northwestern boundary line between this country and the Dominion of Canada, I now have the honor to inform you that, upon full consideration of the subject, this government has decided to instruct its military authorities near the boundary in question, to compel by force if necessary all our Indians to remain on this side of the line, with the expectation that the Dominion authorities will do the same with their dependent tribes.
To this end the military authorities on that border will be instructed to maintain the most friendly relations with the Dominion police force, and to give them prompt notice of any movement of any of the bands of Indians likely to cause trouble, expecting reciprocal information from the Dominion forces.
I have, &c.,