No. 81.
Mr. Logan
to Mr. Blaine.
Guatemala City, June 22, 1881. (Received July 18.)
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 181, in relation to the difficulties with the Jesuits in Nicaragua, I have now to inform you that order having been completely restored in Matagalpa and Leon by the authorities, a decree of expulsion against the brothers of the Company of Jesus was issued by the executive, and, under it, all of the Jesuits in the country left Nicaragua on the 8th instant. There was a very strong pressure brought to bear on President Zavala to induce him to permit the Jesuits to remain; among others uniting in a petition to that effect being ex-President Chamorro, ex-Minister Rivas, and other prominent persons. Zavala was firm, however, holding that they were foreigners, ruling the state by their influence over the common people, and living in religious congregations against the laws of the country. Their passage was paid to Panama by the government. Their expulsion was accomplished without any belligerent demonstrations or breaches of the public order. They are the same body of men expelled by Barrios from Guatemala in 1871. The President feels confident that the legislature will ratify his acts in the premises.
I have, &c.,