No. 80.
Mr. Blaine to Mr. Logan.

No. 151.]

Sir: Your Nos. 179 and 183, of the 24th and 27th instant, respectively, have just been received, and have commanded my earnest attention. The posture of affairs between Guatemala and Mexico, therein shown, had already received urgent consideration on the representations of the Guatemalan minister, Señor Ubico, and an instruction to Mr. Morgan, at Mexico, had embodied the views of this government thereon for formal communication to the Mexican Government. The fuller details of the situation, now received from you, have led me to instruct Mr. Morgan still further in a more explicit, but to a certain extent, confidential sense.

The correspondence in full is herewith transmitted to you for your confidential perusal. The distinctness with which the President’s policy in the premises is set forth will, I think, make it unnecessary just now to give you the special instructions as to your conduct which you ask for at the close of your No. 183. I may say, however, that the President deems it no less incumbent upon Guatmala than upon Mexico to endeavor to so shape the course of the dispute as to avoid open hostilities and conduce to an honorable settlement in the interest of all parties.

You will, of course, do all you consistently can in this sense.

I am, &c.,