No. 739.
Señor Seijas to Señor Camacho.
Sir: In addition to my communication of 14th of this month I have to say: Advices just received from Paris to the 20th of May last, as also from London, from our legation as well as from various persons worthy of all confidence, and of high political position, agree in expressing the belief that by September or October next the French Government [Page 1214] will realize its intentions in the question it has raised with Venezuela—blockading by surprise our ports and taking possession of our customhouses.
This proves that, taking into consideration the distances and delays in communication with Europe, as well as North America, there is no time to lose to save this country and all nations with whom we have mercantile relations from the immense damages, truly irreparable, that would be unavoidably occasioned by that blockade and occupation of our custom-houses should they be accomplished.
The government of this republic will not consent for any reason whatever, now or hereafter, to assume obligations that could not be fulfilled, nor to take any step that would in any manner offend the decorum or dignity of the republic.
In consequence of the information now communicated to you, notwithstanding it is to be presumed the government at Washington, which is so far-reaching, and has such efficient means of information, will already know when you receive this note, all that is to be known as to the disposition and designs of the French Government, I am directed by the illustrious American, President of the republic, to instruct you to make known without delay to the minister of foreign affairs what I now communicate to you, and to endeavor to secure, through the friendly disposition of that government, that such instructions be sent to their legation in Paris as will cause due weight to be given, in the counsels of the French cabinet, to the influence and legitimate moral authority which that powerful republic with so much reason may and should exert in behalf of the natural and precautionary protection of the independence as well as the peace and progress of the other American states.
The design of the French cabinet now revealed, once executed, would really be naught else but an occupation of American territory by an European state. * * *
I am, &c.,