No. 701.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Blaine.

No. 421.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 401, I have the honor to inclose herewith an extract from the proceedings of the Federal Council of June 6, in regard to the motion respecting a federal interference in emigration matters.

It will be seen that the Federal Council have called for reports from Swiss consuls on the subject.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 421.—Translation.]

Extract from the deliberations of the Federal Council, June 6, 1881.

In the last session of the Federal Assembly the National Council requested the Federal Council to present promptly a report and propositions to the legislative authority of the confederation, after examination of the question of how aimless emigration might be prevented, and how the efforts of families emigrating to a new home can be properly directed. As in this matter the efficacious co-operation of the Swiss consuls in the countries of emigration is needed, the Federal Council has requested them—

To send from time to time a report on the countries which can be recommended in full confidence as a destination for Swiss emigration.
To persuade the Swiss colonies already established in their jurisdiction to report to them at least once a year upon what they deem useful for the information of emigrants, as to whether they could undertake to receive in their midst a number of persons or families in case the latter should be sent to them by the Swiss consuls or by the communes.
To be present at the port of debarkation upon the arrival of a large number of Swiss, and to aid, by their advice and good offices, those who address themselves to them.