No. 691.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Blaine.
Berne, April 18, 1881.
Sir: The Federal Council decided, on the 8th instant, that the law concerning the operation of emigration agencies should go into effect on the 12th of April, instant. I inclose herewith the official announcement of their decision as published in the Feuille Fédérale of the 16th of April.
Inasmuch as section 4 of article 10 of the law “forbids the agents to forward persons to whom the laws of the country to which they emigrate prohibit the entry,” and in view of Article III of the treaty of 1855 between the United States and the Swiss Confederation, I respectfully suggest that the Swiss law and Article III of the treaty should be brought to the notice of the governor of the State of New York, and to the governors of the several States receiving any considerable portion of Swiss immigration. In the absence of Congressional legislation it may be that the legislation of the respective States will, in a measure, check the abuses.
I have, &c.,