No. 690.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Blaine.
Legation of
the United States,
Berne, April 18, 1881.
(Received May 2.)
No. 392.]
Sir: I have so frequently dwelt upon the
temptations afforded the communes of this and other European countries to
get rid of their paupers at the expense of the people of the United States,
that I deem it proper to bring to your notice another powerful cause
contributing to that abuse, namely, the activity and machinations of
unscrupulous emigrant agents.
The increased emigration has given rise to several newspapers being entirely
devoted to the question. Among them is the Helvetia, published weekly, as a
supplement to the Schweizer Handels-Courier of Bienne, Canton Berne.
In the number of April 10 appears an appeal for aid from the Emigration and
Colonization Society of Basle, of which I inclose a copy and translation. It
is a carefully drawn and plausible request for assistance to enable those to
emigrate who now have to be helped by public charity at home. In the same
paper there appears as a regular advertisement an announcement of an
emigrant agency at Neuchatel offering “special arrangements for persons
without means.” I say that it appears as a regular advertisement; it appears
in Nos. 13, 14, 15, and 16, of Helvetia. It is in a measure owing to the
activity of such people as those composing the Emigration and Colonization
Society of Basle and the “Bureau Maritime” at Neuchatel that the emigration
of paupers and other unfit emigrants is rendered easy. It is worthy of re
mark that the papers of the “Helvetia” class are silent on the Böttstein
case, and refrain from referring to it.
The advertisement in the Helvetia is similar in tenor to one appearing at
intervals in the Intelligence Blatt of this city in 1879, from another agent
whose terms were slightly different, but who likewise offered “special
arrangements for persons without means.” The latter advertisement no longer
appears. Whether its disappearance is due to the fact that the business no
longer requires advertising or to the intervention of the authorities I am
unable to say, but according to the Intelligence Blatt of February 13, last,
the agent inserting it was punished for a violation of the cantonal
regulation concerning emigration. The punishment inflicted does not appear
to deter others from inserting advertisements of a like nature.
I inclose a copy and translation of the advertisement appearing in the
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 392.—Extract from
Helvetia, Bienne, April 10, 1881.—Translation.]
No. 15.
Helvetia.—Organ for the interests of Swiss emigrants and
for the Swiss foreign countries. Weekly, free. Supplement to the
Schweizer Handels-Courier.
Bienne, Sunday, April 10, 1881. (From the public, i. e., communicated.)
an appeal for assistance in behalf of
the emigration and colonization society of basle.
For a number of years a crisis has prevailed in the manufacturing and
trade circles, which becomes more aggravated each year, and, in the
opinion of those competent to
[Page 1142]
judge, does not lead us to hope for its speedy termination; on the
contrary, in view of the increased tariffs by which we are surrounded,
we must look for still worse times. While employment is constantly on
the decrease, not only is the number of inhabitants constantly on the
increase in our country, but the excess of population in certain
districts has attained such proportions that it produces consequences
which cannot be permanently borne.
The poorest portion of our people in many places is in a truly pitiful
condition. Thousands who would gladly work no longer find employment.
Whole bands of able-bodied men, on this account, tramp from place to
place, and numerous families fall to the charge of the public
assistance. Many who cannot consent to beg lay their hesitating hand
upon their own life; many, in their distress, seize upon their
neighbors’ property, and thus add to the overcrowding of our prisons;
and many more sit in the midst of their families and sorrowfully
contemplate their dismal future.
This all results from the fact that in the labor market the supply far
exceeds the demand, and unprecedented competition continually lowers the
price of wages.
True, much is done, as we readily admit, to alleviate the existing
distress in our country, and especially in this city. But we consider
that the customary method of assistance, though well meant, in many
cases, yes, even in most, is not the roper one. By great or small gifts
a hungry family is only helped for a short space of time, apart from the
fact that the acceptance of assistance undermines their self-respect and
confidence in their own force. In fact, the working man can only be
properly helped by furnishing him with remunerative labor. Were it
possible to furnish every laborer in the old country with sufficient
employment so indeed would it be best. But if a country is no longer in
a condition to furnish work and bread to all her sons, then it is
demonstrated from the nature of the circumstances that a portion of the
unemployed workmen should emigrate to a land where his work will be
remunerated. Very many families in our country have to be assisted by
charity, solely because there is no work for them. If these people are
able to emigrate to the country which suits them, they not only better
their own lot, but indirectly benefit the workingmen whom they leave
behind by decreasing the great competition among the latter.
Entertaining such views, and with the belief that each one should as far
as possible help himself, in the summer of 1880 a number of workmen
united themselves together as an emigration society. Each member pays a
monthly sum of 60 centimes (12 cents) into the treasury. With the money
thus received the emigration of some of the members and their families
to some of the colonies to be founded in the United States should be
rendered possible. Unfortunately, the number of subscriptions paid is
insignificant, so that we must wait a long while before attaining our
object. We therefore, in the first place, appeal to our fellow-citizens
among the working classes to become members of our association. When
many feeble forces unite together they may finally become powerful. We
address our appeal for assistance also to the public, who are
well-disposed towards the working classes. If such persons as do not
themselves desire to emigrate would become members of our association,
they might by their counsel and contributions greatly aid our
We believe that the undertaking that we have as an object recommends
itself to every one who reflects upon our condition, and therefore hope
that our appeal will call forth many friends and well-wishers.
Applications for admission into our association will be received by the
undersigned, who will willingly furnish further information.
Basle, March 24, 1881.
In the name of the Emigration and Colonization Association, Basle.
The President,
J. H. RUEGG, Hammerstr., 108.
The Secretary,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
appearing in the Helvetia, No. 15. Bienne, April 10,
Bureau Maritime, rue Pury 6, Neuchatel.
Only 133 francs emigrants pay at our office for the journey from Havre to
New York, everything included, by the French mail steamers, and only 132
francs by the English mail steamers. Special arrangements for persons
without means.
Bureau Maritime, rue Pury 6, Neuchatel.