No. 676.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Evarts.
Berne, February 25, 1881. (Received March 12.)
Sir: The recent prohibition of the entry into France of American pork has been followed by a motion introduced into the council of states by Mr. Estoppey, directing the Federal Council to inquire and report whether a similar prohibition should not be pronounced on the part of Switzerland.
Mr. Schenk, the chief of the federal department of the interior, stated that the matter had already been considered by that department, and that several of the cantons had already taken measures in reference thereto. Germany had taken efficient precautions, and the Confederation could do so also. A few cases had occurred in Switzerland of a serious nature, and a strict supervision would prevent a recurrence. Moreover, in France, where the importation of American pork is large, there may have been reasons of a national economical nature for the prohibition, and not only a fear of a real danger. He was of opinion that a prohibition would be too extreme a measure, and that an inquiry should be made whether there were not other methods of protecting the public health. After a short discussion, the motion as amended by Mr. Schenk was adopted,
I have, &c.,