No. 493.
Señor Navarro to Mr. Evarts.


Mr. Secretary: I have the honor herewith to inclose a copy of a note which the department of foreign relations has addressed to me, instructing me to give notice to the Government of the United States (as I hereby do) of its intention to terminate the convention of July 10, 1868, concerning naturalization and citizenship, at the expiration of the twelve months mentioned in article 5 of said convention.

I avail myself, &c.,


Señor Mariscal to Señor Navarro.

As the President desires to conclude a new treaty with the Government of the United States, in relation to naturalization and citizenship, that may he more in accord with the laws of mexico than is the convention which was concluded July 10, 1868, he desires that, in accordance with article 5 of that instrument, you should notify the United States Government of the desire of this government for its termination at the expiration of the twelve months mentioned in the aforesaid article.

You will consequently be pleased to send a copy of this note to the honorable Secretary of State, and to inform this department of the date of such communication.

I renew, &c.,