No. 370.
Mr. Blaine to Sir Edward Thornton.

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence in relation to incursions made into the territory of the United States by British Indians from Canada, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 6th instant, communicating a copy of the dispatch of the 3d of this month from the governor-general of Canada, expressing a desire to obtain [Page 593] all the information which can be furnished by the officers of the. United States calculated to lead to the identification and conviction of the Indians who have been guilty of the outrages complained of.

In reply I beg to inform you that I have communicated the contents of your note to my colleagues, the Secretaries of the War and Interior Departments, respectively, with a view to obtaining additional information on the subject in question for the benefit of the Canadian authorities.

With the assurance that this government appreciates the earnest and friendly spirit in which its representations on this subject have been met,

I have, &c.,