No. 13.
Mr. Carrié to Mr. Blaiae.
New York, December 5, 1881. (Received December 7.)
Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to inform your excellency, in obedience to instructions which I have just received from my government, that the treaty for the settlement of the boundary question which was concluded between the Argentine Republic and Chili, with the co-operation of the representatives of the United States in both republics, in the month of July last, as I had the pleasure to announce to you by my note written at the close of that month, has been ratified by both governments. Thus has an end been put to the long-pending question which for so many years has caused the relations two countries to lack warmth and cordiality, and which has at times been on the point of plunging them into the horrors and calamities of war.
By the adjustment just concluded, which does honor to both countries, the waters which might have become the scene of bloody hostilities between two nations bound by the ties of nature and history, are secured from the casualties of war and brought under the beneficent reign of tranquillity and peace.
As I know that your excellency has been thoroughly informed by the communications of the American legation at Buenos Ayres of the terms which serve as the basis of that treaty, I deem it unnecessary for me to state them in detail here.
[Page 18]But what I wish to do before concluding is to call your excellency’s attention to the conciliatory spirit which has always guided the counsels and deliberations of the Argentine Government, and the efforts which it has made in behalf of peace between two sister republics, and of the great commercial interests of the same, during the long and complicated dispute which has now been happily terminated by the treaty which was concluded on the 23d of July last, with the co-operation of the worthy representatives of the United States in both countries.
I avail, &c.,