No. 12.
Mr. Carrié to Mr. Blaine.


Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor herewith to inclose a communication which this legation has just received from the ministry of foreign relations of the Argentine Republic, addressed to your excellency, and which my government instructs me to transmit to you.

In so doing I take pleasure in reiterating to your excellency the assurance, &c.,

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Mr. Irigoyen to Mr. Blaine.

The undersigned minister secretary of state in the department of foreign relations, in obedience to the instructions of the President of the Republic, has the honor to address his excellency the Secretary of State of the Government of North America for the purpose of informing him of the kind co-operation which has been lent by General Thomas O. Osborn, the honorable representative of the Union in the settlement of the boundary question between this republic and that of Chili. After the negotiations had been initiated by the American ministers residing in both countries, the latter contributed largely towards keeping them under the influence of that moderation and kindly feeling which were necessary for the adjustment of differences of very long standing.

The Argentine Government which has observed the perseverance with which General Osborn worthily interpreting the’ friendly sentiments of his government has labored for the settlement of difficulties which were fraught with danger to the harmony between these republics, and when their traditional ties were reunited it signified to him, through the undersigned, its distinguished appreciation of the valuable services which he had so nobly lent.

The President has instructed the undersigned to address this communication to his excellency Mr. Blaine, not doubting that the Government of the United States will be pleased to learn that General Osborn, faithfully carrying out the American policy, has contributed to the successful termination of a negotiation which has re-established harmony and peace between two nations.

The undersigned offers, &c.,