Mr. McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury, to Mr. Seward, Secretary of State.

Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith the letter of the collector at Stoning ton, relative to the gun-boat Sciota, recently purchased from the United States, and now loading with guns, gun-carriages, &c., for Valparaiso. The collector asks what course he shall pursue, a question which is respectfully presented for your consideration.

With great respect,

Secretary of the Treasury.

Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State,

[8] *[Inclosure.]

Mr. Turnbull, collector, to Mr. McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury.

Sir: The gun-boat Sciota, recently purchased of the United States Government by parties in New London, has been repairing at Noank, from which place she expects to sail for her destination, Valparaiso. I understand her cargo is to consist of guns, gun-carriages, kerosene oil, oakum, &c. It is the impression here that she is intended for the Chilian navy.

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Please inform me if I shall allow her to clear for Valparaiso, or what course I shall pursue in regard to her.

Yours, very respectfully,

  • Hugh McCulloch,
    Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C.