Mr. Fish, Secretary of State, to Mr. Roberts, Spanish minister.

Sir: The Department has information that the iron-clad Atlanta, a vessel captured during the late rebellion, and sold by the Government in May last, is now fitting out at the port of New York, as it is understood, for a voyage to Port an Prince, in Hayti, for delivery to the Haytian government, with which, it is represented, an executory contract for the sale of the vessel has been made. The Atlanta is to be armed and to carry as passengers one admiral and other officers of the Haytian navy. This information is given by a citizen of the United States claiming to be the present owner of the vessel, with a view to obtain the sanction of this Government to its voyage. It is communicated to you to enable you to institute such inquiries and take such action as you may deem necessary.

I avail myself of this occasion, sir, to offer to you assurances of my high consideration.


Señor Don M. Lopez Roberts, &c., &c., &c.