No. 53.

Mr. E. B. Washburne to Mr. Fish.

No. 239.]

The French government having notified this legation that the Emperor had decided that the consular agents of the North German Confederation in France must cease to exercise their official functions, and it having advised me that it had instructed the prefects of the different departments that the interests of the subjects of the confederation, who should continue to reside in France, were, during the war, confided to the consular agents of the United States, I have thought proper to issue a circular to our consular agents, a copy of which I have the honor to inclose. It is issued as an answer to many inquiries on this subject, addressed to me by our consuls.



Sir: The legation of the United States in France, acting under the authority of the State Department, and with the assent of the French government, has taken under its protection all subjects of the North German Confederation residing in French territory. The States of Saxony, Hesse Grand-Ducale, and Saxe-Coberg-Gotha, are included.

The government of his Majesty the Emperor, in notifying to this legation that the Emperor had decided that the consular agents of the North German Confederation in France must cease to exercise their functions, added it had informed the prefects of the different departments that the interests of the subjects of the confederation, who should continue to reside in France, were confided, during the war, to the consular agents of the United States.

[Page 84]

Under these circumstances Mr. Washburne desires to state, that it will be your duty to give every proper assistance, consistent with the functions with which you have been charged, and the proper discharge of your own duties, to North German subjects.

If the business of any consulate of the North German Confederation should require it, a clerk should be furnished you to perform the clerical duties, under your direction. The form of your signature to any certificate should be as follows:

Le consul des États-Unis d’Amérique, charge des affaires des sujets de la Confédération de l’Allemagne du Nord à.


If you are requested so to do, you will take charge of the archives of the consulate of the North German Confederation, and give the clerk a seat in your office.

As regards passports and visas, the French government has decided that it will not authorize the departure from French territory of such subjects of the North German Confederation as owe military service to their government.

As to those cases where such liability is alleged not to exist, they will be examined separately, under such regulations as may hereafter be made known. It would not be well, therefore, to give any subject of the North German Confederation any passport, or any certificate in the nature of a visa, until you shall receive some specific instructions in this respect.

WICKHAM HOFFMAN, Secretary of Legation.