No. 51.

Mr. E. B. Washburne to Mr. Fish.

No. 235.]

I have the honor to inclose a copy of the correspondence bearing upon the protection afforded by the Government of the United States to the subjects of Hesse Grand-Ducale, resident in France, who, owing to the alliance formed between the government of the North German Confederation and that of Hesse, have become the enemies of France in the war declared on the 19th of the present month.

The correspondence embraces,

1st. A translation of a letter from Count d’Euzenberg, minister resident of Hesse Grand-Ducale at Paris.

2d. A copy of a letter addressed by myself to the Duke de Gramont asking the assent of the government of the Emperor for such protection, and

3d. The translation of a letter from the Duke de Gramont giving the assent desired.

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Count d’Euzenberg to Mr. E. B. Washburne.

Mr. Minister: My government having informed me of the fact of the declaration of war by France against the North German Confederation, of the date of July 19, current, the alliance under the military convention concluded between the two governments of Hesse and the North German Confederation still exists.

In consequence I am instructed to address your excellency without delay, in order to inform you of the desire of my government that you will take all the subjects of Hesse residing in Paris and in France, as well as the archives of the legation, under the protection of the United States.

I hasten to obey this order, and I beg your excellency to be assured of the high estimate which my government attaches to this protection; and already in advance, and in my own name, I pray your excellency to be pleased to accept my heartfelt thanks as a testimony of courtesy and international good will, and I take this occasion to renew the assurances of the high consideration with which I have the honor to be, Mr. Minister, your excellency’s humble and devoted servant.

EUZENBERG, Minister Resident.

His Excellency E. B. Washburne, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.

Mr. E. B. Washburne to the Duke de Gramont.

Sir: The Grand Duke of Hesse Grand-Ducale has directed Count d’Euzenberg, hisminister resident near the court of his Majesty, the Emperor of the French to address himself to me, with the request that the Government of the United States should permit all subjects of Hesse finding themselves in Paris or in France, together with the archives of Hesse Grand-Ducale, to be placed under the protection of the United States. I have to state to your excellency that I shall feel authorized to assume such protection, with the assent of the government of his Majesty the Emperor. I would be pleased, therefore, if you would advise me, at your earliest convenience, if such assent will be given.

I take the present opportunity, &c., &c.,


His Excellency the Duke de Gramont, Minister of Foreign Affairs.


The Duke de Gramont to Mr. E. B. Washburne.

I hasten to inform you, in answer to the letter you did me the honor to write to me on the 23d of this month, that the government of the Emperor gives its entire assent in order that you may assume, during the war, the protection of the subjects of Hesse Grand-Ducale, residing in France.

Receive the assurances of the high consideration with which I have the honor to be, sir, your very humble servant,


Mr. Washburne, Minister of the United States, Paris.