No. 50.
Mr. E. B. Washburne to Mr. Fish.
No. 234.]
Legation of the United
States, Paris, July 26, 1870. (Received August
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a
copy of the correspondence relating to the protection of subjects of the
King of Saxony residing in France by the Government of the United
States, as follows:
1st. A translation of a communication from Baron Lüttichau, chargé
d’affaires of Saxony, asking that protection may be given.
2d. A copy of my letter to the Duke de Gramont upon the subject; and
3d. A translation of a note from the Foreign Office, signed H. Desprez,
giving the entire assent of the government of the Emperor to the
protection assumed by this legation.
Hon. Hamilton Fish,
Secretary of State.
Baron de Lüttichau to Mr. E. B. Washburne.
Royal Legation of
Saxony, Paris,
July 20,
Mr. Minister: The government of the King,
compelled by events to recall his legation from Paris, earnestly
desires permission to place under the protection of the legation of
the United States, pending the existence of the war that has been
declared, the interests of Saxon subjects in France.
In conformity with the orders which I have just received, I have
recourse to the great kindness of your excellency, and beg you to
inform me if you consent to this request of my government.
I profit by the present occasion to offer to your excellency the
assurance, &c., &c., &c.
His Excellency Mr. Washburne,
Minister of the United States, Paris.
[Page 79]
Mr. E. B. Washburne to the Duke de Gramont.
Legation of the United
States, Paris,
July 20,
Sir: I am requested by the chargé
d’affaires of Saxony, near the court of his Majesty the Emperor of
the French, to take the subjects of Saxony in France under the
protection of this legation. Having received the assent of my
Government to take the subjects of North Germany under the
protection of this legation, I have assumed that it would give the
same protection to the subjects of Saxony, provided it should meet
with the approval of the government of his Majesty the Emperor.
I will thank you to communicate to me at an early moment the action
of his Majesty’s government in this regard.
I take the present opportunity to renew, &c.,
His Excellency the Duke de Gramont,
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Mr. H. Desprez to Mr. E. B. Washburne.
Sir: To respond to your letter which you
have done me the honor to write to me under date of yesterday, I
hasten to inform you that the government of the Emperor gives its
entire assent to your assuming, during the war, the protection of
Saxon citizens in France.
Receive the assurance of the high consideration, &c., &c.,
For the minister and by his authorization, &c., &c.,
Mr. Washburne,
Minister of the United States, Paris.