No. 221.

Mr. Fish to Mr. Frederick F. Low.

No. 8.]

Sir: Count von Bismarck, chancellor of the North German Union, has, through Baron von Gerolt, requested this Government to participate in a combined action of the powers engaged in the China trade against the pirates in the Chinese waters, to be settled either by previous arrangements between the governments or between the commanders of the several squadrons.

Baron von Gerolt has further informed this Department that her Britannic Majesty’s representative at Washington has been notified by his government that the British admiralty will give, or have given, orders to the British naval commander in China to coöperate with the commanders of the several forces of North Germany, and of other maritime powers in China, in combined measures for this object.

Baron von Gerolt has been informed by this Department that the President will take great pleasure in complying with the request of Count Bismarck, by directing instructions to be issued from the Navy Department to Admiral Rogers to coöperate for such purpose with the naval forces of North Germany, and with the representatives of such other powers as shall receive similar instructions. This Department has, accordingly, requested the Navy Department to issue such instructions to Admiral Rogers and instructions have gone out in accordance with that request.

I inclose for your information and guidance copies of the whole correspondence with this Department on the subject.


[For these several inclosures see ante, 216 to 220.]