No. 14.

Mr. Geo. H. Yeaman to Mr. Fish.

No. 252.]

Sir: I herewith inclose a translation of a note of yesterday’s date, addressed to me by the Danish minister for foreign affairs, advising me of the revocation, by order of 25th of last month, of the royal order of July 4, 1838, permitting foreign ships of war to enter the interior part of the harbor of Copenhagen in time of peace.


Baron Rosenörn-Lehn to Mr. Yeaman.

Monsieur: I have the honor to make known to you that, upon the proposition of the minister of marine, it has pleased my august sovereign the King to abrogate, on the 25th of the past month, the royal resolution of July 4, 1838, which, until the new order, permitted armed steamers, as well as other ships of war, of medium size, (dimension moyenne,) as corvettes and brigs, and belonging to foreign nations, to enter in time of peace into the interior part of the road (harbor) of Copenhagen, by passing the “Three Crowns” port.

In adding that the necessary orders to this effect have been given to the competent authorities and to Danish pilots of the sound, I pray you, monsieur, to accept the renewed assurance of my most distinguished consideration.