Mr. Seward to Mr. Sullivan.

No. 28.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch of October 12th, No. 33. It reports to me the manner in which you have executed the instructions of this department, Nos. 3, 5, and 8. Your proceedings in that respect are entirely approved. It appears from your preceding dispatch that you anticipated the instructions contained in my dispatch No. 14, of September 25, to ask from the Colombian government an investigation and redress for the outrage and murder that were committed upon citizens of the United States, who were officers in the Colombian national service, by Colombian troops, with the alleged connivance of their officers, in the city of Carthagena. Your proceedings in this matter also are approved and commended. I do not doubt that, in conformity with the last-mentioned instruction, you will have made before this time a supplementary representation to the Colombian government asking suitable indemnities in behalf of the families of the persons murdered, as well as in behalf of the survivors of the outrage.

I have laid before the President the answer which Mr. Martin, minister for foreign relations, gave to your representations, as well as your reply to that minister. You are now authorized to say that the decision which the Colombian government has made upon the subject is regarded by the President with sincere and unreserved satisfaction. I do not allow myself to doubt for a moment that Mr. Martin’s assurances will be carried into full effect.

My instruction will have already apprised you that this government has accepted with entire satisfaction the explanations which the government of Colombia was pleased to make of the unfortunate transaction of the fraudulent purchase and equipment of the R. R. Cuyler. Should [Page 1047] it be necessary, you will renew the expressions of our satisfaction in that respect.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Peter J. Sullivan, Esq., &c., &c., &c.