Mr. Seward to Mr. Sullivan.
Sir: In my No. 14 I directed your attention to the painful event in which George A. Borchart and J. W. Murdaugh were assailed and murdered by a mob at Carthagena on the 1st of September last. I instructed you to address yourself to the President of Colombia and, upon the grounds then mentioned, to urge a prompt and thorough inyestigatioii of the transaction, to the end that the guilty parties may be brought to condign punishment and that indemnities, as far as possible, may be awarded to the families of the individuals who were barbarously slain.
Recent advices from Sabanilla tend to confirm with aggravation all the details which had before been received. It becomes my duty, therefore, to instruct you to press the subject upon the early attention of the Colombian government with all the vigor and energy that shall be consistent with diplomatic propriety and with the sincere friendship which this government desires to cultivate for the republic of Colombia.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Peter J. Sullivan, Esq., &c., &c., &c.