Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward.

No. 120.]

Sir: On the 13th instant General Gutierrez was dispatched to Chiclayo by the government at Lima, with orders to remove and bring to Lima all the cannon, muskets, and material of war to be found at the [Page 860] first-named city. Hardly was his approach signalled, when the inhabitants of Chiclayo rushed to arms, and expressed their determination to forcibly oppose the removal of the cannon, &c. General Gutierrez not desiring to bring on an encounter between his troops and the people of the town, returned to Lima, without fulfilling his orders. The government then conferred full powers upon Colonel Balta, and dispatched him to Chiclayo, to endeavor, by means of his influence, to quiet the people and facilitate the removal of the guns. The report of the progress of his mission has not yet reached Lima.

The people of Chiclayo alleged, in their defense, that the government, while constantly sending arms and ammunition to the south, desired to completely disarm the north, thus placing the latter under the control of the former. The affair is regarded as very significant, and is evidently the precursor of further trouble.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.