Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward.
Sir: I have the pleasure of acknowledging your dispatch No. 76, dated February 4, 1868, approving my conduct under the new order of affairs in Peru, and my reply to General Francisco Diez Canseco.
As my course has been so entirely different (under instructions) from the other members of the diplomatic corps, and as my failure to acknowledge immediately the existing government has given some little offense, I am gratified to know that, in performing my duty, I have, at least, met with the entire approbation of my government.
Considerable excitement prevails in Lima. On the 6th, General Canseco became alarmed, and caused quite a number of arrests to be made. In the list of prisoners are found the names of the two Colonels Suarez, Colonel Bermudez, Colonel Mugacuru, and others, all strong supporters of Prado, during his administration. Several of these gentlemen have occupied prominent positions in Peru, and are considered as wielding a large amount of political power. It is said that a strong Prado party already exists in Peru, and many look to his early recall.
I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.