Señor Polar to Mr. Hovey.
The power of the constitution of 1860 being re-established in the republic, and with it the legal authority of the second Vice-President, General Don Pedro Diez Canseco, the undersigned has been called to the post of minister of foreign affairs in the formation of the new cabinet. The undersigned has the honor to announce this fact to his excellency the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, and he takes pleasure in faithfully interpreting the ideas of his [Page 850] government, which have no further object than to preserve and strengthen the kind and friendly relations which have united always, and do unite, Peru to the United States.
The undersigned has the pleasure of improving this occasion to offer to his excellency General Hovey the assurance of his high consideration and regard.
His Excellency General Alvin P. Hovey, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States.