Señor Benitez to Mr. Washburn.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 26th instant, in reply to my suggestion that you should have a passport to go to the country, that you had never been molested without one. I said in times like these, a passport would be of no disadvantage, and might be of service to you; you asked for one.
In reply I must say to you, that when I offered to give you a pass to go out of the city, it was to protect you from molestation by the patrol and sentries or other officers to whom you might not be known; and one would have been sent to you immediately, if you had told me where you wanted to go.
If you will tell me where you wish to go, one will be sent you. This question is asked, not because we care where you wish to go, but to save you trouble on the way, though it seems from your note that you do not wish to betray the place of your destination.
I embrace the occasion to repeat the assurance of my consideration and esteem.
Hon. Charles A. Washburn, &c., &c., &c.