Mr. Washburn to Señor Benitez.

Sir: In a recent interview which I had the honor to hold with your honor, you were kind enough to remark that it might be of advantage tome in making excursions into the country if I had a passport from your office. Though I have never suffered any inconvenience as yet from not having a passport, but have always experienced either with or without one the same courtesy and kindness from all, both officials and private citizens, yet, as your honor remarked, at this time, when extra vigilance and care are required, it is quite possible that a passport from your honor might be of service in preventing any misunderstanding on the part of officials and consequently avert anything that might cause annoyance. I will therefore thank your honor if at your earliest convenience you will send me such passport as may be of service in preventing any difficulty or misunderstanding.

I take this occasion to renew to your honor assurances of distinguished consideration and esteem.


His Honor Gumesindo Benitez, Acting Minister for Foreign Relations.