Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb.

No. 227.]

Sir: Your dispatch of the 6th of February, No. 58, has been received. It contains our first official or reliable information of the lamented death of the late Major General Asboth, United States minister resident at Buenos Ayres; accredited also in the same capacity to the government of the Oriental Republic. As the deceased had been a gallant and effective [Page 271] soldier at home, so he was an enlightened and indefatigable representative of the country abroad. His death is deplored by the President, and will awaken profound sorrow throughout the United States.

The letter which you addressed to Madison E. Hollister, United States consul at Buenos Ayres, on the occasion of the minister’s death, is approved; as also are the letters which you addressed to the President of the Oriental Republic, renewing the tender of the good offices of the United States for the establishment of peace among the nations upon the banks of the Parana.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


James Watson Webb, Esq., &c., &c., &c.