Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb.
Sir: Your dispatch of the 27th of January last, No. 57, has been received.
Your proceeding in renewing the tender of the good offices of the government of the United States to the government of Brazil, with a view to the restoration of the peace on the Parana, is approved and commended.
To guard, however, against possible misapprehension, I think it proper to say that the President is not to be understood as adopting or sanctioning that portion of the communication which you have made to the Brazilian minister and secretary of foreign affairs, in which you remark that you fully exonerate Brazil from all responsibility in the occurrence of the war. This government has at no time thought it necessary or expedient to assume to pronounce on the merits of that unhappy and protracted controversy.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
James Watson Webb, Esq., &c., &c., &c.